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33 YouTube Stats to Boost Your Marketing Strategy in 2021

In 2020, YouTube continued to pave the way with searches that included the words “at home” and “for beginners.” People took to social media platforms to wait out the lockdowns. Live communication and events were replaced by video, for work, and for entertainment, too. As a result,  the platform has received a ton of invaluable statistics that can be analyzed and used for marketing purposes. We’ve put together 33 different YouTube stats that can make your marketing strategy more effective or at least push you to start working in this direction. 

Let’s start.

1. YouTube has more than 2 billion logged-in monthly users.

Well, 2.3 billion, to be more precise. And these are people who have a Google account and have logged in at least once a month. Considering that a Google account is not always required to watch videos on YouTube, these statistics can be even higher.

2. Youtube is the world’s second-most used social platform

Ranked second after Facebook, which is tailored for communication and news exchange. The statistics are mind-blowing at how many people actively share video content and fully engage themselves in the comment section.

3. Youtube is the second most popular search engine after Google. 

And the world’s second-most visited website after Google. With billions of searches per month, YouTube’s search volume is more significant than that of Bing, Yahoo, AOL, and combined. 

4. YouTube has its local versions in more than 100 countries.

This global phenomenon offers support in 80 different languages covering 95% of the worldwide internet population. With such a massive presence, it is easy to find a target audience for almost any content. 

5. Only 33% of popular YouTube videos are recorded in English.

According to PewResearch, the most popular YouTube channels don’t produce content in English. During the first week of 2019, 56% of popular YouTube channels uploaded at least one video. Across all of the videos these channels uploaded during the week, just 17% were entirely in English.

6. YouTube reaches more 18-49 year-olds than any broadcast or network TV station.

Yes, 37% of 18- to 34-year-olds watch YouTube daily, and 79% of them prefer watching videos uploaded by people, not brands. 

7. Two-thirds of Millennials say they can find tutorials and how-to content for anything on YouTube.

Of smartphone users, 91% turn to their devices for ideas while completing a task. We’ve all dived deep into those “how-to” videos, right?  And those plunges t brought YouTube millions of hours of watching.

8. Video will account for 82% of global traffic by 2022. 

According to Cisco, Internet video will account for 82% of global consumer internet traffic by 2022–up 15% from 2017. This stat alone can make your business a case for allocating more budget to video and YouTube B2B marketing.

9. People watch more than a billion hours of video on YouTube every day. 

YouTube users upload more than 500 hours of new video a minute. The most popular categories are unpacking products and reviews, how-to videos, gaming videos, comedy, beauty, and educational content and the list goes on and on.

10. More than 70% of all YouTube video consumption is via mobile devices.

It is important to mention that people are using their smartphones to watch YouTube, mostly during prime time hours, so it is the best time for brands and B2B businesses to start livestreaming and get maximum reach.

11. There were 4x more views of videos related to Black Lives Matter in the first 10 days of June 2020 than in all of 2019.

This is an example of how current events can cause waves in content making and statistics while encouraging people to share their personal experiences all over the internet.

12. View of videos with variations of “beginner” in the title increased more than 50% between March and July 2020.

Millions of people used YouTube to develop a new hobby and learn something new. For example, users watched self-care and beauty tutorials, bike repair videos, guitar lessons, gardening, and cooking. Videos with the “home workout” title burst with 515% increased views, and daily uploads of videos with “at home” in the title increased 700% in the same period. 

13. People watched 100 billion hours of Gaming on YouTube in 2020.

According to YouTube Blog, it was Gaming’s biggest year. More than 80,000 YouTube Gaming creators hit 100,000 subscribers. Over 350 gaming creators reached a whopping 10 million subscribers. There are more than 40m active gaming channels.

14. Daily YouTube livestreams increased 45% in the first six months of 2020.

People want to be a part of something bigger, and when almost all live events in the world are canceled or postponed – live streams are great if not the only way out. That’s why 53% of livestream viewers say watching livestreams helps them feel connected to something larger than themselves. And 56% of people say watching live streams can be as good as being at an event in person.

15. YouTube makes people buy things.

Videos can significantly help brands by driving people’s intents. According to Google Blog, 70% of people say that they bought brand products due to seeing them on YouTube. 

16. YouTube ads targeted by intent have a 100% higher lift in purchase intent than those targeted by demographics.

Moreover, they have a 32% higher lift in ad recall. Combining demographics and intent only slightly increases ad performance above targeting by intent alone. People watching YouTube ads targeted by intent also skip ads less and watch ads for longer.

17. Beauty brands bring only 39% of whole industry views, while influencers bring 60% of views.

According to Statista, influencers can be the key not only for particular brands and businesses but for whole industries pushing it forward, getting more people interested, and bringing more income.

18. Content related to viewers’ passions is 3X more attractive than content with celebrities.

Famous actors and actresses lose the battle for attention when it comes to what people really love. Also, content based on viewers’ interests is 1.6 times more popular than the one with high quality.

19. YouTube creators are more effective than celebrities at increasing brand familiarity. 

YouTube influencers are constantly changing the marketers’ rulebook. While classic celebs are helping brands be more memorable (84% vs. 73%), YouTube creators are way better at increasing brand familiarity (x4). 

20. YouTube content is the new store clerk. 

People are always interested in detailed reviews about products they are about to buy. YouTube is a perfect platform for it, and that’s why in the past several years, watchtime for videos like “shop with me”, “everything you need to know”, and “Does it work” have grown from 2 to 12 times. 

21. People are x3 times likely to watch the “how-to” video on YouTube than read the instructions. 

Well, we understand them.

22. Over 90% of people surveyed around the world discovered new brands on YouTube.

A lot of us switch between YouTube unpacking\reviewing videos and product lists on the shopping site while searching for something to buy. Over 50% of people surveyed said that online video helped them choose the exact product or brand. 

23. Webinars are one of the top-performing content types for getting and converting B2B leads.

Considering that this is usually not the primary goal of webinars; you can significantly improve brand awareness, build credibility and trust, and educate your audience. 

24. YouTube videos reduce the number of support calls.

Yep, 43% of video marketers say video has reduced the number of support calls they’ve received. It is easier to watch a short video about a product or service than to find out all the details using the support. So, it is both beneficial for customers and companies. 

25. According to Animoto, 96% of marketers have placed ad spend on video.  

Moreover, 70% of businesses say that they were creating more videos in 2020 compared to 2019. And 91% of marketers are satisfied with the ROI of video marketing. Talking about YouTube, 66% of brands upload a video once a week or more. 

26. Comedy, music, entertainment/pop culture, and “how-to” videos are the most popular videos watched on YouTube. 

Videos from these 4 categories get more views and are more engaging than others.

27. If you’re providing relevant and timely B2B video content on YouTube, you will get all the attention. 

Your brand can stand out from the crowd. And the more valuable the content, the more views, shares, and comments you will get. More views = more ROI.

28. YouTube ranks 3rd most valuable social platform for B2B marketing.

Besides, YouTube is the only network where the value of B2C or B2B marketing is the same.

29. Branded YouTube content continues to gain power.

Despite the harsh competition between millions of creators and brands, views on branded video content have increased 99% on YouTube as of June 2017. The main reason for such strong growth is that brands create better and better content for their target audiences.

30. User-generated content on YouTube has created some of the biggest internet buzzes in recent years.

User-generated videos get up to 10xmore views than content created by brands. Authentic user-generated content can be a sustainable, cost-effective, and influential source of content that brands will need to build trust, grow sales and deepen their long-term relationships with customers.

31. The average video length on YouTube’s first page is 14:50. 

According to the analysis of 1.3 million YouTube videos, the YouTube search engine puts such videos among the most popular. Another important thing is YouTube uses the average video length as a ranking signal, and you can use it. 

32. 94% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service. 

This format is becoming more and more affordable. You can create great videos in-house, without the big time and money investments. And coronavirus made it a challenge and a necessity for many brands to try a new way to approach potential customers. 

33. 89% of video marketers plan to include YouTube in their 2021 video marketing strategy.

What about you?

YouTube can help your brand improve communication with a target audience, find more customers, and get valuable feedback. This platform is an endless source of opportunities, and it will become even more beneficial for B2B in the future. We hope that this list of YouTube stats will help you improve your marketing strategy in 2021 and make your business a little more successful. 

Nazar Begen

CMO/Product Owner for Agency&SMB product

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