
Simple tips for selling products on Instagram

It`s normal that every person who wants to sell his/her goods or services tries to work with social media. There, they are able to work with millions of users and form target audience, they can use different tools to create promoting posts, they can run contests and giveaways to increase engagement and drive traffic and, finally, they can meet partners and make deals with developers.

It`s easy to say that everyone could sell products on Instagram, but everything depends on the success of the marketer. He could have three sales per month and say that it is good for him, and other marketer from the same sphere could have thirty sales per month and say that it isn`t enough for him. Everyone wants to increase the number of sales and become better than their competitors, so here we will show you simple tips for selling products on Instagram.

Create a unique design for your profile

People who use Instagram for selling goods try to become better than their competitors, so they keep their profile in one unique design. When you have all your posts made in one design, your customers see that you are responsible for the content you create and the way you promote your products. The better reaction your client will have, the more chances that someone will buy your product.

Work on your Instagram bio

When someone opens your profile, the first thing he sees will be your bio. If you don`t know what is it, we will tell you. Bio is a column in social media profile (on Instagram, too) where user could put all important information about himself, about his business or kind of activity. He can also add personal address and contact information (email or phone number).

With completed and structured bio, you can be sure that your profile visitors will subscribe after the first visit. All popular brands also put a link of their online store in bio, so it`s easier for customer to perform a purchase.

Cooperate with Instagram influencers

Another workable method of increasing sales on Instagram is partnering with influencers to reach an audience that is specified to the products from your sphere.

Figure out the best product placement that`s in line with the influencer`s authentic voice and the trending hashtags and copy that will give you the highest engagement. Don`t ignore influencers, because today they become the key factor in the selling process, especially on Instagram.

Announce new posts with Instagram stories

Sometimes, when people don`t have enough time to look through all new posts in their news feed, they will look through all Instagram stories and scroll the fist posts that appear. And if you won`t remind them about your new post, they won`t open your profile and read it. So, you need to make sure that all your posts will be seen by your subscribers. You can use Instagram stories to announce new post and make people read them.

When they open your story, they see a photo from your post. They click on it, and Instagram takes them to your profile and to this current post. They can read it, put likes and comments and return to their stories. Just make sure that your announcement is good enough.

Make your descriptions more unusual

We know that it`s important for marketer to give clients all information about the product, but it`s also important to attract them and make them buy this product. If you feel that your descriptions are boring and uninteresting, add some emojis to it. When people see new symbols, they have more interest to continue reading and they don`t use interest to the text.

Final thoughts

As you see, there are no difficulties in selling products on Instagram. You just need to use all abilities of this social media to attract users. if you will do everything right, believe us, the income will increase in a moment.

Dmytro Polishchuk

Content writer and blog editor at PromoRepublic

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