Data-driven localized marketing & CX

Top-tier tools and analytics for managing digital presence and customer experience inside a data-powered marketing platform.
multi-location brands

Drive local engagement and on-brand experience for every location

Turn online searches into offline sales
Standout from your competitors with the engaging digital profiles, leading to more customers to your locations
Maintain consistent brand and CX
Localize efforts at scale, while staying on-brand. Get the best-in-class analytics to track customer insights
Protect online reputation
Track and respond to customer interactions and reviews in one dashboard
Accelerate growth with data-powered insights
Get quick insights on your locations’ performance reviews, feedback, and CX. Keep an eye on competitor activity and market trends to stay ahead.
Learn more about Analytics
Bring every location together on one platform
Integrate tools for the entire customer journey, from managing social media and reviews to listings, analytics, and feedback, with no silos.
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Case Study
Joey's Franchise Group
How Joey's Restaurants attracts new customers for 80 locations from Google Maps
Engagement growth on social media
Jump in views on Google Maps
More direction requests on Google
Stand out for local customers
Simplify and manage your listings on Google, Facebook, Bing, and other sites, boosting your online presence across numerous locations from one easy-to-use dashboard.
Learn more about Listings
Stay on-brand at every touchpoint
Store your creative assets in one library. Set up branding guidelines and localize content in one controlled environment.
Learn more about Asset Management
Manage your brand and reputation
Create a constant stream of new reviews for your locations. Use AI to respond to all customer reviews in a consistent and personal way in no time.
Learn more about Review Management

PromoRepublic customers get results

“ Being able to have a tool that is backed with data really helps us gear our business plans for the future and decide what makes the most sense, what is the most beneficial, what needs to be improved.”

Nicole Silva, Digital Marketing Specialist at Dogtopia Canada
Ready to see PromoRepublic for your locations?
We’d love to learn more about your goals, prepare a free leaderboard for your locations, and explore how PromoRepublic can fit your workflows.
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High Performer 2024
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Choose what describes your business best:
What do I choose?

Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
