Review Management

All reviews in one-stop platform

Bring all customer feedback together and use AI to respond faster than your competition—all while sounding human with just a few clicks.
Improve online reputation across all locations
Become the brand of choice for your customers
Track customer feedback from every source and location from a single dashboard.
Keep it local, sound personal, reply faster with AI
Get back to your customers quickly with saved templates, automated replies, and AI that understands context.
Turn customer feedback and performance data into insights
Get insights from thousands of reviews to enhance CX at every location, no matter your brand structure.
reputation manager
Streamline your review management
Keep your response rates high by quickly reacting to reviews collected in one place.
Get real-time alerts for new reviews, unanswered reviews, and review spikes.
Create custom views for locations, partners, and teams to monitor relevant reviews.
trigger rules
Trigger automated review replies with Reply Assistant
Сreate custom, personalized messages based on rules and triggers for specific brands, locations, or star ratings.
saved replies
Save time with pre-written replies that sound real
Respond faster, maintain brand consistency, and mimic
human interaction to elevate customer experience with reply templates.your business.
Translate reviews and personalize replies with AI
Craft personalized replies in no time, making your customers
feel heard and valued. Use dynamic variables to configure
maximum flexibility.
Learn more
Case Study
City Wide facility solutions
How City Wide Achieved a 159%
Rise in Brand Engagement
Faster responses to reviews quarterly
Rise in calls from Google quarter after quarter
Audience growth across social
Reply to reviews faster
Set up workflows, permissions, create templates, rules, and triggers to write less and connect more.
Get started
Choose what describes your business best:
What do I choose?

Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
