Summer Poolside Chat: Maximizing Seasonal Promotions

Take a refreshing dive into effective seasonal marketing strategies around our virtual pool. Join us to chat about preparing seasonal discounts, short-term campaigns, and maximizing the benefits of seasonality.

This isn’t a panel – it’s a lively, interactive conversation! No lifeguards here – just a wave of networking and insights waiting for you!

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Meet Our Speakers

Angela Zerda Paules
Chief Marketing Officer
@Buzz Franchise Brands
280 Locations
Lindsay Simpson
Fractional Franchise Marketing Executive
@Moxy CMO
Leah Pinkes
Franchise Marketing Coordinator
@ohDEER Development
Emerging Franchise Brand
Matthew Cancino
Community Manager
@CMO Peer Talks

What to expect

  • Tips for a winning seasonal marketing plan
  • New ways to optimize promotions and discounts to attract new customers
  • Ideas for elevating your customer experience and build loyalty
  • Tools to stay connected with customers during off season
  • Tailored advice for your unique marketing needs in breakout rooms.
Recent Webinars
#1 Community for Innovative Franchise Marketers
CMO Peer Talks is a community that brings together result-driven marketers seeking new ways to innovate in the franchise space to empower franchisees and win local customers. Want to join our private LinkedIn group?
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Choose what describes your business best:
What do I choose?

Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
