The main reasons why you should use posting schedule in the social media

social media postingEveryone enjoys making posts in the social media. You can share your thoughts with the other users, promote your account or your business or just make someone`s feed more varied. Only you can decide what should be posted and how your future pot will look like.

However, we must admit that posting isn`t just an entertainment for killing your free time. Today people use social media not only for chatting or watching videos – they could promote business or move their blog. With these facts, we must admit that your posting has serious impact on your social media account and its future progress.

Nevertheless, how can we optimize our social media posting? The answer is here – we should use posting schedule. In simple words, posting schedule is a strong graphic, which helps you to add posts to the timeline at the right moment. The most popular tool for creating a posting schedule is Post Planner. It`s easy in use and allows person to control most of his/her social media accounts.

In this article we will show you the main reasons of using social media posting schedule in your activity.

Social media schedule saves your time for other important tasksSocial media schedule

Who said that social media could be used only for posting texts or images? Don`t forget about magic opportunity of sending messages to each other, watching videos or listening to music (if possible). Of course, posting is important for your social media activity and increasing the number of subscribers.

With social media schedule, you will understand how much time you can spend on other social media activity and where you must be ready to post something. Mark the time limits in your graphic (you can use Post Planner for it) and be ready for posting.

You will be able to prepare good content

Very often user realizes that it`s time to post something and write quick tweet or took an immediate selfie for his Instagram account. Well, that`s not how we do things. With your posting schedule, the quality of your posts will grow up immediately. Why? Because you could:

  • Choose normal topic
  • Think about an image
  • Find the perfect angle and make took a picture
  • Write normal text without mistakes
  • Add hashtags to increase visibility

good contentRemember that you are not a journalist and there is no need of posting quick messages. Sit down and do everything step by step. In the end, you will be satisfied with the result of your work.

Orientate your posting for each social media

If you pretend to be an active social media user, you should work with more than one platform. Today, people choose three main platforms for posting: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Each of these social media has its own “perfect posting time” – a period when you can add your publication and get a huge feedback in a short period of time.

It`s also important because some users who don`t understand social media working process just spam their messages without any visible result.

So, now we talk about our perfect posting time. Remember that it could differ for every social media. For Facebook, you`d better post something:

  • At Saturday and Sunday from 12 to 1 p.m.
  • At Wednesday at 3 p.m.
  • At Thursday and Friday from 1 to 4 p.m.

For Instagram, the best time for sharing content is Monday and Thursday at every time except 3 and 4 p.m.

If we are talking about Tweeter, you should post something:

  • At Wednesday at noon from 5 to 6 p.m.
  • From Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. and at 5 p.m.
  • Also, you can try posting at 2 and 3 a.m. and from 9 to 10 p.m.

You will probably ask “Why these days and these time periods?”. Well, according to the statistics, people visit mentioned social media at these time periods (it could be a road from work to home or just free time for someone). Of course, it`s possible that a bigger part of your audience is able to monitor social media updated 24/7. However, for the first time you should try these posting time periods. Well, maybe you will find other combinations according to your own experience.

Optimize your posting frequencyOptimize posting frequency

Social media experts often point that a bigger part of accounts post something more often than it should be. Well, we don`t want to repeat our thoughts, but there is nothing good in making quick posts every time you need something.

With social media posting schedule you will be able to:

  • Analyze your previous posts
  • Correct mistakes
  • Add something new to your posting arsenal

If you want to get more likes and comments under your posts, you`d better pay attention to the quality, not on the number.

For example, on Facebook you should post maximum 2 times per day, for Twitter – three times per day or more, for Instagram – 1,5 times per day. Try to optimize the frequency, and you will see the result.

Post Planner – the best tool for your posting schedule

We`d liked to stop at this point, because it`s important to have everything under control, even in social media posting. Post Planner has an extra function of creating a table with the list of all your social media. You can mark the right posting time according to the social media and the day of week. When the time comes, you get an announcement about posting time. Simple? Of course. Don`t be lazy, try this.

Don`t afraid of all these points and it`s names. In fact, the process of creating and optimizing your posting schedule is very simple. You just need to focus on your target and start doing the task. That`s all what we wanted to say today. We wish you good luck and hope you will get positive emotions from using your own posting schedule.

How to set social media goals for your business?

social media goalsToday people are concentrating on promoting their business through the social media. They know that this is free (in most cases) and workable method of gaining new clients and increasing sales. However, no one can just start and achieve 1000 subscribers in one day. Every long process needs preparation, strong plan and, of course, goals and objectives.

Why do we need to set social media goals for our business?

Imagine that you are going to start a diet and lose some extra kilos. You can`t just start and then stop without a peep. You will hurt yourself and have all chances to get health problems.

If we will set our social media goals, we will understand what is our main target and what steps we should complete to achieve it. If you understand the situation, you know how much resources do you need and how much time will you spend working in the social media.

So now let us talk about social media goals and how to set them to get the needed result.

Set objectives for the one working periodsocial media

You know that you have a plan, and now you need to complete it. However, don`t be quick. Start from a specific period of time (for example, one month) and put down all tasks that you are able to complete in this period. Let`s take an example: your main social media is Twitter and you need to:

  • Increase activity on your page
  • Get more sales from your business through the social media
  • Reach 100 000 subscribers (right now you have 75 000)

Only three points, you think. However, it will be uneasy to complete all of them quickly. You should understand how the current social media works, when your subscribers open it to scroll the news feed, what pages they visit etc.

You should make regular posts (create posting calendar), make reposts from pages you subscribe, leave likes and comments. Don`t stop working, because your competitors have the same target – to implement the plan. Remember that if you stop, your rivals will have better results.

Audit your performanceAudit your performance

Auditing your performance is a very important part of setting social media goals because it can show you the progress of your work. For each social media you will know what should be changed or which part of current social media should be changed.

Here we have some tools that may help you to audit your performance:

  • Post Planner (allows you to control posts on Facebook and Tweeter
  • Facebook and Twitter Analytics. Analyze your audience (age and demographic) and use this information to set the right social media goals.
  • Google Analytics. The same functions as the previous tool, only for your Google account like Google+.

Of course, you can search for other tools that have the same functions, but we gave you the most popular of them.

With one of these tools, you`re be able to analyze your content in current social media and decide, what exactly must be changed. For example, you can find the most likeable post, your average number of comments, reposts and other actions and even your social media reach (1000 likes or 500 comments on your page). If you see that activity is too low, you can add more posts or change the style of your page to increase visibility and the number of subscribers.

Set your personal social media OKRs

In simple words, OKR (Objective Key Results) is the number of tasks that you must complete to achieve your target. It`s looks like the first point in our article. Why we need to use it while setting social media goals? Because with it we will be fully concentrated on our task and know what exactly we must do to complete the task. If you keep working with objective key results, you will see the progress. Even if it`s a slow progress, you will continue doing the thing you`ve started.

Yes, it looks more like motivational guide, but with it you will see the number of tasks that must be completed. The main focus is that only you decide what to do and in which sequence.

If you steel don`t agree with us, we can show you some companies that used to work with OKR:

  • Google
  • Amazon
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn

Set the priority of working with your social media

Most developers are using more that one social media to promote their business and attract more people. However, you can`t just repost all your texts and messages from one page to another – there is no sense in it.

How it works? For example, you need to increase activity of your blog and your main social medias are Instagram and Facebook. Choose one that will contain more posts (regular news and updates) and other that will play supporting role (announcements of new posts). With this simple step you will know which social media should be your main source of customers. Yes, you can work with both of them equal amount of time, but it can be too much.

In final, we want to say that with right social media goals you can achieve every target you`ve set. We showed you some workable methods and hope you`ll use them during the work.


Best ways of using Pinterest to market and promote your small business

Pinterest small businessPromotion is our everything, said the developer. And, you know, he was right. Today people learned a lot about how to grow their business, increase their sales and just become more popular. One of the most workable ways of marketing small business is social media marketing. Why so? Because you are always working with other people, share your content and have all abilities to grow up.

However, a bigger part of customers is focused on three main social media – Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. They know that there is always a chance to find something special for themselves. Nevertheless, we want to mention one platform that was missing for a long time, but now it`s popularity reached the highest point. It`s Pinterest, a service where people could download their images and sell goods with their help.

In this article we will tell you about the most effective ways of marketing your small business using Pinterest.

Pay attention to the statistic. Most of your audience is using Pinterestaudience is using Pinterest

If you don`t believe in this statement, just pay attention to the global statistics. A bigger part of social media users is working with Pinterest. Every fifth person has Pinterest downloaded on their smartphones. It doesn`t matter who are this people (men or women, young, middle-aged or old), the main fact is that you can always find someone who will pay attention to your business. Just keep working on it.

On Pinterest, people spend much more money than in any other social media

At this point we should return to our statistics. We see that there are five main categories where people spend most of their capital:

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Home Décor
  • Beauty
  • Health and Fitness

Why this happens? Because all you need to is to choose the product for purchasing, click on it and buy. Very simple.

Orientate on your audience. Generate content that will be enjoyable for them

Work with small business on Pinterest is similar to every other social media. Your main target is your audience because it`s the main source of income for you. So, to have good results during your career, you should:

  • Analyze your audience`s content. Point out what people enjoyed the most and what kind of information could be superfluous for them.
  • Check the most popular posts in your sphere. If someone is doing better than you, it could be a problem and you should work more to change something.

These two points will show the weak places of your business account and tell you about your main problems. For example, if you don`t have activity on your page, something is wrong with your content and you need to fix this as fast as possible.

Make regular content analyzes to upgrade your profile

If you think that marketing on Pinterest is easier than in any other social media, you are wrong. Everyday work and dedication are the key of your success.

The second important part of your marketing process (after your audience) is the content you generate. Even if you don`t need to write interesting descriptions to your images, you should pay attention to the quality of the photos. If you will process them too much, you could screw everything up. There always must be a balance between special effects and natural colors.

To avoid big mistakes, we recommend you to analyze your content. The most optimal time frameworks are one check per months. Look through all added photos and point out everything that looks unacceptable. Then try do eliminate it, use other programs for processing or even change the style of profile.

Consumers always share what is important for themwhat people are reading now

Of course, you are the boss of your own business, but again – look for the audience`s posts. They will post and share something that they like or want to have. For example, if you are a publisher and your business only start working, you should look on what people are reading now. What book design they prefer, what print should be used etc. Yes, it`s only details, but if you want to be the best in your sphere, you must pay attention to such things.

Keep an eye on your competitors

It`s the golden rule for every businessperson who wants to achieve success in his/her specific sphere. If you want to become the most popular person in your sphere and have the highest number of subscribers in Pinterest, you must be ready to face rivals. How to become better? Analyze other developer`s accounts, find something that they use regular and try to create your own schtick.

Share your Pinterest posts in other social media

Promotion is our everything, remember this phrase? If you are working with Pinterest, no one could ban you from using other social media to increase activity. Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter. Just share the most popular images to your personal account or put a link in your regular posts on Facebook. Of course, you should add a description to give it a normal look (not just an empty link).

Use stories on Instagram. Fast messages will show people that you have something, which could interest them. You can put a link to your story and users will swipe it up to open the Pinterest profile.

Pay attention that you don`t use that annoying advertising posts that appear in people`s news feed every day. You just show them what you have, and they only make a decision: buy or not to buy.

Final thoughts

As you see, there is a big amount of work for you. Every point in our article is important and you must complete them all to achieve success with your small business. However, social media promotion is not a routine job that allows you to spend hours sitting in front of the monitor and making analysis.

You can meet interesting people who could possibly become your partners. If you don`t understand something, you can ask experienced persons about your problem. Or if someone needs help, you can give him a piece of advice.

We hope that our article will help you during your work and your results will be much better than earlier. Good luck!


The best ways to unlock you Holidays posts in the social media

Holidays postsThe winter is coming, and it means that everyone starts thinking about holidays. Presents, dishes, traditional songs and suits, different competitions, giveaways, sales. This list could be endless, because every person enjoys holidays because of something that only he/she loves to do.

In our days, holidays couldn`t happen without huge social media activity. People start inviting friends to a dinner, someone is looking for a flat to celebrate New Year or anything else that could make people generate content in the social media. In this article we will tell you about the most effective ways of creating right social media posts.

Tell an interesting story from the past

Everyone has heard some cool stories that happened to someone on holidays. Stupid situations, spectacular performances or something like that. If you remember such story, why not to tell it. You will give people positive emotions, awake their holiday mood or just keep a good atmosphere through your subscribers. Someone could share it to increase activity and the number of views. Good for you, good for everyone.

favorite holiday recipesShare your favorite holiday recipes

Yes, the time has come! You`ve waited for this for a whole year so, you can tell people how to create the most delicious cake in the world or how to bake meet with potato and vegetables to make it very, very tasty.

For us, the best social media to share such holiday posts is Instagram. If your dish looks really good, you can add a photo of it and write a short instruction how to cook it (no one wants to read long posts). You can also add some hashtags to increase visibility and get more likes from other users.

Also, if you will search for some new recipes, you can visit Instagram too. People share thousands of posts with their favorite dishes and detailed recipes. We promise, after a few minutes of searching, you will have at least one new recipe in your collection.

Launch a book giveawaybook giveaway

A book is a perfect present for a bigger part of people on the planet. There are different genres, different authors and, of course, different books. However, not everyone could just go and buy the book he wants. You can give him an opportunity to make the dream come true. Of course, giveaway is a kind of contest, but everyone has the same chances to win.

You should remember that every giveaway shouldn`t be too long. The most optimal period is ten or twelve days. If it will be longer, people will lose interest and won`t react on it even after victory.

the process is simple:

  • Pick up a book you want to give
  • Make a non-standard photo of it. If needed, use some programs for processing.
  • Set circumstances of the competition (for example, like + comment and tag a friend in comments – the most common circumstances for giveaways).
  • Write a short description of your photo and post it. Don`t forget about hashtags. They will help you to cover a bigger audience.

After that, just wait for the final day of the giveaway and choose a winner with the program of random choice. Everything is fair, so you won`t have negative comments.

Use Pinterest to power your marketing

If you are a designer or a developer, such information may help you. The best variant of a holiday present is a handmade stuff (cups, notes, accessories). You can use the power of Pinterest to share your works. Put sales on the most expensive goods to draw people`s attention (they always react on sales, believe us).


Probably you know some of these ways of making good holiday posts in the social media, but we`ve remembered them to show people that they could get a huge activity in their profiles even on holidays with these simple, but workable methods.

The best ways to get more retweets on Twitter

get more retweets

Twitter. A non-standard social media with it`s own advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, you can immediately get needed information from other user`s messages, you can follow celebrities, bloggers, sportsmen and other famous persons without problems. On the other hand, you have this annoying limit – only 140 symbols. 140 symbols, Karl! Maximum five normal messages without points and comas. Sometimes you can`t even form your thoughts right because of this limit.

However, it`s possible to grow on Twitter and the most workable method for this is an option of retweets. We should notice that we won`t talk about messages because it`s a form of connection between people.

With retweets, you are able to share a tweet from every person`s page without limit and, as a result, increase his/her visibility. However, don`t believe that users will start retweeting your posts from the first seconds. If you are a beginner in this social media and you want to get more retweets, you should make your account popular. How can you do this? With the help of retweets!

In this article we will show you the best and workable methods of getting a huge number of retweets from your page.

Follow celebritiesmore retweets

If you signed up in Twitter or every other social media, the first thing that you can do is to follow famous people. Such persons as Stephen Kind, Donald Trump, Robert Downey Jr or anyone else always have some good words to say.

Start reading them and retweet their posts from time to time. Your subscribers will pay attention to such kind of activity and start reading your own tweets. Than, as you thought, you will get retweets.

retweetsCreate an unusual profile

Every social media user wants to bring something special to the global feed. And, if we are talking about popular accounts, we must admit that they always have something special. It could be an unusual profile description, or non-standard main photo etc. there must be something that will make the difference between you and everyone else. Keep it in mind while singing up in tweeter, because sometimes people create second account to make it better and get more subscribers.

Use images in your tweets

Most of the users could agree that 140 symbols isn`t enough to write a normal message. Sometimes we need to complete it, add the main detail or show people what we are talking about. What should we do? We should add images. Why? Here are some key points:

  • Images draw people`s attention better than just text message (even if it`s written well)
  • Images could help us to diversify our feed
  • It`s easy to pick up a right image for your tweets.

With these points you have more chances to get more retweets and make yourself more popular than earlier.

Mix your content

We`ve mentioned images as a new sort of content for your tweets. However, it`s not the end. Adding other sorts of content helps us to attract users and show them that we are not regular readers who use Tweeter as a newspaper. How about videos? Just add your video to the tweet (you can add text as a description to this video) and your post will be more informative.


With this kind of information, you are able to post tweets without text. You don`t need it, because infographics includes text and images in one block of information. To get more retweets from your infographic, you can create it on your own. There are many free and simpe tools where you can create your own infographic.

Share links from other social media posts

For example, if you have a YouTube account and you want to increase your audience with the help of Tweeter, you can share links on your most popular videos with short description. People will pay attention to it and, probably follow you. Then, if they enjoy your tweets, they will retweet them.

Write good tweets

Commonplace, but strong rule about Tweeter`s content. You have only 140 symbols to generate something good and if you want this to be retweeted, you should write really good tweets. Some people can do it good from the first try, but if you haven`t worked with texts before, you should pay attention to every new tweet. Read it for a few times before posting, do double-checking. Of course, you can delete it just after posting, but you can`t do it every time.

Click on real-time events in Tweeter

Do you know how to become popular on Tweeter? Start watching TV! In fact, it`s one of the most workable ways to get more tweets from your accounts. The only thing you should do is to choose the right TV show that your subscribers watch. The main advantage of this method is that you can tweet with them instead of tweeting for them. It`s a real-time activity! Today, the most popular shows are:

  • The Walking Dead
  • Fear the Walking Dead
  • Gotham
  • Game of Thrones (last season coming soon)
  • Doctor Who
  • The Big Bang Theory

In fact, there is no limit of choosing a TV show. All you need to is to be active during the broadcast.

Use Hashtags

The most important part of activity in Twitter and, in fact, all social media that we use. Hashtags help us to share our content through the news feed, to increase visibility of our account and, in final, get more retweets.

People often use hashtags to search for something which is really important for them. If you generate informative content on the topics like science, history or economic, you can put a hashtag at the end of your tweet to help people in their searching.

Of course, you need to know what are you writing about to give people checked information.

Final thoughts

In fact, the main role of retweets is to share information between users to increase the whole social media activity. Even famous persons, who have millions of subscribers and regular readers always try to work on their content. They use right hashtags, add thematical images, share interesting articles by putting a link to their tweet and, of course, retweet messages of other people to share good thoughts.

In the end of our article we want you to share only good and positive content that will interest people. Don`t be the regular user, try to make something special for everyone. Good luck and see you soon.

Choose what describes your business best:
What do I choose?

Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
