Best 6 Social Media Automation Tools [2021]

Dmytro Polishchuk
Dmytro Polishchuk
Content writer and blog editor at PromoRepublic
≈ 6 min read
Upd. on: 2 Oct 2021

This is a golden time for marketers. We can track every click of a potential client. This means that we are aware of almost all of our clients’ online activities. This knowledge can be reinforced with data from social networks, search engines, and e-commerce.

If we put all this data together, we get what is known as big data. Thanks to them, one-to-one marketing is no longer a fantasy but an everyday occurrence. And you can further automate it.

Social media automation is the process of automating your social media presence. It allows you to optimize your work and spend more time developing and upgrading your marketing campaign while your software gives you all the necessary data about your performance.

Automating social media has its challenges. Without it, even a full-time professional can barely keep up with the pace of posting, even in a small company. That person has to be up at 7 a.m. to post the first tweet of the day and stay up until 11 p.m. to post the last one. Imagine having to do that every day… It’s just impossible.

Experienced managers set up social media posting with automation tools. The rest of the time, they’re busy doing other important things. For example, they can:

  • Respond to follower comments;
  • Communicate with customers on social networks;
  • Check reports to see which posts had the best performance;
  • Interact with other company employees to create exciting and engaging content for news and posts.

There’s a common misconception that all social media automation is solely about scheduling your social media posts. But there are many other areas of your marketing campaign that you can automate as well. For example, email lists, autoresponders to direct messages, etc.

Some companies invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in their social media automation platforms. They deploy sophisticated software that can take weeks to set up and months to learn how to use. And some companies simply use other companies’ ready-made software for a paid subscription. And today, we’re going to talk about the tools that can help you do just that!


PromoRepublic is an excellent software for the management and automation of social networks. Its primary advantage is that you can manage all your social media accounts simultaneously from one platform. PromoRepublic allows you to save time and money and take your brand to a whole new level. 

PromoRepublic is a white-label product. With it, you get access to:

  • A library of over 100 thousand templates and images for 20+ industries or an editor to create your own images to generate creative and unique social media posts. More than 200 fonts, banners, and forms have been added to the editor.
  • An easy-to-use client interface that allows you to receive notifications and comments from social networks. 
  • Publication scheduling and timing with analytics by social network and industry. 
  • Detailed analytics and reports with your marketing campaign results that are easy to explain to your customers.

And while the tool doesn’t have features like integration with third-party apps or templates for video content, PromoRepublic still has plenty of perks — from scheduling publications to educational webinars on how to boost your business.

Post Planner

Post Planner is a very useful software for finding content to share with your audience on Facebook and Twitter. This tool allows you to track the most popular content in your industry based on keywords and hashtags in the mentioned social networks. Post Planner selects the most interesting content from photos, articles, or quotes, which also shows how it’s featured on other Facebook or Twitter pages.

You can add your most interesting content to the queue to be published. You can also specify how many posts you want to publish and at what time. This is quite an unusual and helpful tool for social media automation.


Tailwind is a scheduling tool to help you increase your Instagram and Pinterest followers. You can group your content in advance, preview your grid, and then set it up and forget it with Tailwind’s automatic posting feature. With the batch upload tool, you can easily import all the images you want to schedule directly from your camera or from your favorite editing tool.

It will even offer you hashtags if you’re having trouble with the perfect set for your post. Tailwind automatically suggests hashtags based on your message.

With Tailwind’s SmartSchedule technology, you will get the best time to post for your specific audience. You can even automatically optimize your schedule, so you don’t have to think about it. The more you publish with Tailwind, the more they can make smart time suggestions for your publications.


Buffer is a versatile tool for social media automation. It has a terrific analytics engine that gives you a complete insight into your social media performance and how effective you are compared to your competitors.

This tool also gives you a clear understanding of what, how, and when to post and in what form.

Buffer has a very user-friendly interface with all the tools you need to avoid getting confused by obscure icons. The developers are also constantly updating this tool to meet the ever-changing demands and algorithms of social media.

Buffer also has fairly affordable rates, and there are versions for Windows, iOS, and Android.

Facelift Cloud

Facelift Cloud is a service for complete social media automation. All the social media platforms you need can be found on a handy dashboard. This tool filters and displays all notifications and messages from each individual social network in the inbox using convenient automated tags. Every user of this tool can easily run multi-channel social media advertising campaigns, which is sure to help take your SMM to the next level.

Of additional pleasant bonuses, you can also highlight the increased attention of the developers of Facelift Cloud to data privacy. This tool is fully compliant with global standards, including GDPR and ISO 27001. In addition, it has a pretty good user-friendly interface, and this software provides detailed analytics on the effectiveness of your campaign.


With Mention, you’ll always be aware of your brand’s mentions on social media. It’s a very practical way to automate social media. It provides an incredible amount of information for competitor analysis, monitoring your brand, etc.

Mention directly leads you to the people who are discussing your brand on a particular social network. That way, you can quickly connect with them and respond to their questions and suggestions in real-time. This level of engagement and personalized approach is sure to bring you new clients and will definitely increase sales.

Mention can definitely be called one of the best social media automation tools: it provides much more data and tracks more social conversions than other popular automation tools.

It has a very simple and user-friendly dashboard, where you can discover features such as:

  • keyword monitoring
  • competitor analysis
  • Searching for and detecting dissatisfied customers
  • and so on.


Once you have all the processes set up, you can optimize, test, and improve them. Without automation, you would have to do many mechanical things to keep up with the schedule of posting. Social media automation takes a lot of effort, but it has a good payoff. And there are hundreds of tools that make it easy to use.


How do I automate my social media?

First, you need to understand what exactly you want to automate and what goals to achieve with it. It is also important to understand which social networks you are trying to optimize. Having analyzed all this, you can choose the right tool for social media automation, which will help you to take your social media presence to a whole new level. We recommend using PromoRepublic because it combines all the necessary functions — from scheduling publications to convenient analytics.

How do I post on all social media at the same time?

Specialized services for social media automation can help you with this. Tools like these help you create content, choose the best possible time to publish it based on your industry, audience, and other data, and automatically post it without your involvement.

Can social media campaigns be easily automated?

Of course! There are plenty of social media automation tools that cover all aspects of your social media campaign — from scheduling your publications to preparing detailed and precise reports for your clients.

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Choose what describes your business best:
What do I choose?

Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
