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What Is Direct Message (DM)?

In social media marketing, DM refers to direct messaging. DMs is a feature on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and others that allows users to communicate in private mode. Only the sender and recipient can see the message sent. DM definition is different for each social platform. For example, on Facebook, you can send a direct message to the user whose page you “liked”. On Instagram, you can send DMs only to 15 people, whereas In Twitter you can send DMs to 50 people, but need to follow their accounts at the same time.

DM meaning goes far beyond the general “thank you” for purchase in the online shop. People sometimes consider it a source of spam, but in reality, DM meaning is much broader. The business has long term ago started to use the direct message for communication with clients who follow their social media accounts. It becomes a powerful tool in the hands of the qualified marketer.

DMs in Business & Marketing: New Opportunities Ahead

A good question is – how does direct messaging help to achieve business goals? You probably heard that companies try to perform instant online communication. It means that people seek a permanent online connection and use various sources to achieve this goal. Direct messages become an artform in the right hands, helping to gain the desired instant connection.

You can use DMs for business in several ways:

  • For networking – companies prefer privacy in business relations and frequently use DMs to reach the right people avoiding an open view communication
  • For promotion – DMs is a great tool to target the right audience. If you managed to segment your potential customers and prepared the special offer for each group, DMs will do the other work for you. The company can customize its offerings for each customer group and send the proper message to them
  • For communication – direct messaging is just another place to get in touch with the customer. You can use this feature to inform about new product releases, discounts and events.
  • For customer service – when your customer experience some trouble DM is the best way to discuss the problem privately and save your brand’s reputation. In addition, clients prefer live communication with companies and direct messaging help to improve customer experience

Best practices in Direct Messaging

Each company is unique and there is no one-for-all recipe on how to use direct messages to maximize sales, strengthen brand’s reputation and raise customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, some useful tips might help you to succeed:

  1. Never send promotional messages – people are overwhelmed with advertising and they do not want to see the new one in their DMs. Use this tool wisely and focus on special offers for customer groups trying to be as specific as possible.
  2. Install chatbots – DMs becomes new online store in the right hands. Use chatbots to automate your communication with clients, prepare a list of most popular questions and answers, and try to teach your bot to respond personally using the customer’s name.
  3. Respond in minutes – modern clients do not want to wait, they require immediate reactions from businesses. When you receive a question or comment in a direct message, try to answer it immediately to meet your customers’ expectations.
  4. Manage your DMs wisely – use the special smart monitoring tool to react on direct messages on time and not to miss any new connections with your brand.
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Enterprise: for multi-location and direct selling brands. Manage thousands of social media pages of your local distributors, partners, or franchisees.

Agency: for marketing agencies. Manage all your clients’ social media pages on one platform.
