Manage Your Post Boosting With New Targeting Options and Statistics

Post Boosting
Irina Baranovskaya
Irina Baranovskaya
Content Marketing Manager
≈ 2 min read
Upd. on: 12 May 2022

Social media’s organic reach has been declining over the years. Only 22 followers among your 1000 Facebook fan base can see your posts without any paid promotion. So to get more visibility and expand their audience beyond people who already like their page, brands and individuals boost their posts. But how to get the most out of it?

Fortunately, PromoRepublic has just made boosting workflow smarter for all plans. Now it’s easier to attract new fans, generate more engagement with your brand’s content, and track boosting results. Let’s check out our latest improvements in detail.

Update №1

Enhanced Targeting – to complement hyper-local targeting with a behavioral component.

PromoRepublic boosting

We’ve added three components:

  • Objectives 

Objectives helps to prioritize specific audiences and shows content to people based on their behavior on social media. For instance, if you select  “Engagement,” your post will be shown to people most likely to react to, comment on, or share the post. Other options include video views, website clicks, and reach. 

  • Audiences 

You can create a custom audience from your customer contacts, website traffic, or mobile app, save commonly used targeting settings, and reuse them in future ads. 

  • Call-To-Action Buttons

Call-to-action (CTA) buttons provide a practical way for customers to learn more, book appointments, or make a purchase by clicking them. The CTA choices depend on a post’s objective and your industry.

Update №2

Statistics – to see the results of boosted posts.

The updated Statistics tab helps understand if you gain ROI from the promotions you’ve invested in. It shows structured data for posts boosted through PromoRepublic including reach, engagement, clicks, views, cost per click, and more.

boosting statistics

Now that boosting workflow with PromoRepublic has become more efficient, you’re just one step away from growing your social media fan base and staying top of mind.

Sign up and try enhanced Boosting in action. Stay tuned for upcoming Ad Campaign Proposals and Ad Insights coming soon for Enterprise plans!

online reputation management ebook

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