Take Over The Internet With Kindness

Irina Baranovskaya
Irina Baranovskaya
Content Marketing Manager
≈ 2 min read
Upd. on: 2 Aug 2021

Kindness is experiencing a boom in 2019. This week is Random Acts of Kindness Week. And it’s also Valentine’s week. Get in on the train of love and kindness – it’s never too late! We’re in the second month of the year and some of them are experiencing a Polar Vortex so why not give them an incentive to shop with freebies or discounts. Or engage with them online and ask them to pay it forward – start the ball rolling!

What’s On Trend

Share The Warmth


Share The Goodness


Share The Message


What’s New

Share The Wisdom



Share The Knowledge



In our week of random acts of kindness, why not share some random facts with your customers too. We all know by now that always promoting your goods is not a good form of marketing. In 2019, content marketing is veering more towards storytelling and personal branding.

What’s Up This Week

February 12 – Abraham Lincoln Birthday


Celebrate one of the most celebrated President in history. Is it a coincidence that it’s Black History Month too?

February 13 – International Condom Day


This is not so taboo anymore so why not share this important template to your followers. It could potentially save a life, or two.

February 14 – (S.A.D) Single Awareness Day


Today is indeed Valentine’s Day and we are pretty sure all your campaigns are already set up for this day. But what about reaching out to the other half and celebrate them too!

February 15 – Teddy Bear Day


Whether your niche market is children or not – everyone has nostalgia when it comes to their favorite stuffed animal.

February 16 – Innovation Day


This is a perfect time to showcase one of your innovations – product or service.

February 17 – National Random Acts Of Kindness


You’ve been busy all week promoting the acts of kindness but today is the actual day.

February 18 – National President’s Day


Put your followers to the test with this template.

Now that you are all pumped up with kindness ideas, you have this whole week to put them to work. Lest we forget the week of love too. We’re expecting to see hearts and more hearts this week.


If you don’t see anything that suits you, be sure to let us know! We have professional designers on hand to create social templates for your needs. And of course, any questions, comments, or concerns are welcome. It’s always important to take every opportunity to attract new customers, whether it be by using your own creativity to design content, or by saving time and using PromoRepublic library to find customizable content that works for you.

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