Best Instagram marketing tools for business that will really upgrade your profile!

Dmytro Polishchuk
Dmytro Polishchuk
Content writer and blog editor at PromoRepublic
≈ 4 min read
Upd. on: 2 Aug 2021

Today more and more people are trying to grow up their business through the social media. And it`s ok, because every social media is a place where every developer could find his target audience, regular clients and an opportunity to get a huge income. All businesses are different, so everyone is using different methods of work with their social media profiles. In our today`s article we will be talking about Instagram as one of the most popular social media on the planet.

Here`s the thing – it`s not difficult to form your business account on Instagram, it`s hard to upgrade it and become better than your opponents are. Everyone is trying his own methods of upgrading the profile and attracting people, but we are not sure that all these methods are workable and could give the needed result. So, here we will show you the best social media marketing tools that will make your business account better in one moment. We`ve been working with these tools for a long time and we are sure that they will be working good for you too.

  1. VSCO cam. A photo-editing tool

If we are talking about Instagram, the first association that comes to our mind is a word “image” or “photo”. We use photos to introduce ourselves or, if talking about business – showing people our product. However, we need to make our photos looking better than they are.

Since VSCO was released in 2013, this tool made a huge revolution in Instagram. Every user who wanted to make his profile better, downloaded this tool to his smartphone.

Every VSCO user is able to use 10 different filters for editing his photos. If he wants more, he can easily purchase extra filters that are better than basic. Also, in VSCO you have an ability to edit pictures by changing brightness, saturation, contrast, sharpness, saturation color temperature and other options.

If you want to see good examples of VSCO-edited photos, you can follow a tag #vscocam and fresh photos will appear in your timeline.

  1. Layout for Instagram

Layout for InstagramWe are sure that sometimes you see some photo collages that appear on your news feed in Instagram. And you probably start thinking of something like that for your own profile. Well, we can help you here.

Layout is probable the best square app for Instagram which allows you to create collages of different shapes and with different number of photos there.

How it could help you in updating your business? Well, it could be an element of surprise for your subscribers. They are tired of watching simple posts with one or two photos one after another. With collage you are able to show them much more than with a single image. Your product could be shown from different angles, so you are showing your customers every single detail of what they are going to purchase.

  1. Hyperlapse for Instagram

This video editing tool isn`t so popular as other examples in our article, but we must say that it could really upgrade your profile in all aspects.

Most of us don`t watch all video posts that appears on the news feed. The reasons are different: we don`t have time, we are not interested in this right now, we don`t like this current profile. However, Hyperlapse for Instagram could really change everything. With it, you are able to transform a simple video into a really good presentation that will draw people`s attention. Again, you are able to show them every detail of your product and make it as fast as possible.

  1. Repost for Instagram

We don`t need to forget that Instagram is a social media where people are able to share information with each other. For example, you saw a cool post on someone`s page and you want to show it to your fans? How can you do it? Of course, you need to repost it onto your page, and to perform this action you definitely should use tool called Repost for Instagram.

This tool allows you to share user-generated content with other people, who are probably interested in it. with such activity, you are able to:

  • Increase the number of subscribers
  • Increase the number of potential clients
  • Increase your traffic

All these points are important for businesspersons who are working with Instagram to upgrade their business.

  1. Squaready, Whitagram

WhitagramRight now, more and more users are trying to avoid Instagram`s square crop getting in the way of a well composed photo. Someone is taking square photos on their smartphones and someone is using borders to give their picture the right shape.

Squaready is one of many Instagram tools that allows you to edit photos by adding borders to them. With such change, your images will be looking more natural and user will be able to focus his view on the main object.


So, here is our list of the best tools to manage social media (Instagram) that could help you during your work. We hope you will use this information to improve the quality of your content and grow your business.

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