Everything about LinkedIn or what all new users should know

Everything about LinkedIn
Dmytro Polishchuk
Dmytro Polishchuk
Content writer and blog editor at PromoRepublic
≈ 3 min read
Upd. on: 2 Aug 2021

When people came to the social media platform for the first time, they could be a little bit disappointed because they don`t know how to work with it. And if networks like Instagram or Twitter are easy-in-use and could satisfy every person, LinkedIn is not similar to it.

linkedin-sponsored-content-770x384When we talk about Instagram, we imagine usual platform where people post their photos, tell interesting stories, run contests and giveaways or just communicate with each other. However, when we talk about LinkedIn, we understand that this is a platform that was created for professional developers and marketers who want to build and grow up their business or just to find a job for themselves.

In this article, we will tell you everything that you should know about LinkedIn.

If you are an employereverything that you should know about LinkedIn.

It`s normal that employers switch their attention to the social media in order to find new workers for their companies and brands. Here, they have more chances to meet talented, skillful and hard-working specialists who will be ready to join their team.

However, we know that LinkedIn is a specific social network, so all employers should complete these points to find the perfect candidate:

  • Search all people profiles with specific keywords and phrases
  • Look through all information in candidate`s profile (education, experience, recommendations)
  • Contact them or find people who could give you their contacts

You should understand that LinkedIn profile is exactly like a resume with one detail – it also includes all personal information about the person. If person is looking for a job, he/she could add his/her good qualities to the description.

If they`ve already worked in other company, they can ask previous employers to give recommendations about them. It will be a huge bonus for them.

If you are a job-hunter222ebb3a2ac19e7a0ea63b979deb5c4f

LinkedIn is a great place not only for employers, but also for employees or, if you want, we can name them job-hunters. If you belong to this category, continue reading, because this information is very important for you.

As a person who wants to work for someone and get good salary, you should complete these points while searching for a good vacancy:

  • Create a detailed personal profile. Employers are searching for workers every day, so you need to highlight your profile.
  • Search for a job database using specific keywords and phrases from your sphere. Don`t think that someone will find you after a few hours after your profile was created.
  • Look through company profiles. If company needs a new worker, you should react immediately.
  • Connect with employers to get an interview. If people will see some initiative form you, you have more chances to become a new company worker.
  • Find people who used to work in the company and connect them. Maybe they could tell you some specific details about your future job.
  • Make it all regularly.

Of course, you will spend at least 4 hours to create a completed LinkedIn profile, but that`s exactly what you need. Employers who will see your profile should understand who will be working in their company, who will be making deals and selling goods for the clients. Make them sure that there is no better worker for them than you. Lastly, make sure you know how to add connections, remove them, and block someone on LinkedIn (if necessary) to ensure you become an expert LinkedIn user and a more efficient potential employee.


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