Everything that you need to know about making money with Facebook videos

making money with Facebook videos
Dmytro Polishchuk
Dmytro Polishchuk
Content writer and blog editor at PromoRepublic
≈ 3 min read
Upd. on: 2 Aug 2021

Social media marketers, who work with their audience on Facebook use different types of content to attract people, get a bigger income and grow their business. Today tendency of Facebook content is moving to the side of visual content – people prefer to watch videos rather then read the text on the same topic. Developers see that, so their task now is to concentrate on the video as the main sort of content on Facebook.

However, some businesspersons often face one problem while working with Facebook. This problem is a video monetization. There were so many announces dedicated to this topic, but people can`t understand all information on the developer`s language. So, to solve all your problems, we will answer to the main question of the day – how to monetize Facebook videos? There will be four core points in our article, and with each of them we will give a detailed explanation. So, let`s go.

Facebook video monetizationFacebook videos make money

On July 1st, there was an announcement about new monetization policy to encourage business to create and host video content on the network. The new system is based on Facebook`s suggested Video feature, which shows the content similar to what user just watched. It`s like on YouTube, when system gave you a list of recommendations based on your early views or searches. All such advertising videos will have sound turned on.

Revenue from sponsored Facebook videos will be based on a few factors: the number of views, the number of ads user watched in a single view and the amount of time spend on each video. From the total income, the creator of an advertisement will get 55 percent of income, and the platform will get the rest (45 percent).

The main audience of such Facebook videos are mobile users, because they give 3\4 of the total video views on the network. At this point Facebook is very similar to YouTube, where a half of all viewers is using mobile devices for watching.

Algorithm changes reward engaging video content

The latest change of Facebook`s news feed algorithm will give more organic visibility to engaging video content. What does it mean? If a user started watching your video, turned on the volume or opened in on full screen, it gives Facebook a signal to show him other videos from your business, or other videos with similar topics from other sources.

Such change was caused by the feedback from Facebook users. They say that they enjoyed watching Facebook videos, but they don`t think that they need to like it, share it or leave a comment. Such change will receive more organic feedback and give people an opportunity to post high-quality content.

Facebook insights for video data

Facebook recently added a new Video Tab to its insight dashboard, which offers a look into views and 30-seconds reviews at a Page level, top videos within a certain data range, and metrics for videos shared from other pages. This data allows you not to search for the best elements of your video content – it will do all the job. The data will give you an information about all video`s performances, and compare this statistic with other videos that you`ve shared. Page administrators will also have an ability to the number of organic views compared with paid advertising.

New payment system for Facebook videos

Final part of our article or “do you need to pay Facebook?”. The thing is that Facebook makes video advertisements more affordable for brands. The network has recently confirmed that the way of how sponsored videos are prices have changed. According to the new algorithm, Facebook advertisers have to pay for users who have made it past ten-seconds mark in the video. It is much better that the previous system was – creators used to pay for all people who have seen the video, but haven`t watched it normally.


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